Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kelebihan Buah Tomato

Kelebihan Buah Tomato
Blog Open Minda

TOMATO buah berwarna merah dan boleh dimakan mentah. Namun, bukan semua orang menggemarinya! Tahukah anda tomato mengandungi pelbagai khasiat tersendiri, termasuk membantu mencegah penyakit berbahaya?

Warna merah itu ialah disebabkan likopena, iaitu karotenoid atau sebatian semula jadi yang memberikan warna merah kepada tomato dan pelbagai khasiat kebaikan antioksidan semula jadi yang baik untuk kesihatan badan.

Selain mempunyai kebaikan antioksidan, makanan yang mengandungi likopena itu juga boleh mengurangkan risiko beberapa jenis kanser dan penyakit jantung.Hasil kajian pakar penyelidik asing mendapati bahawa kandungan likopena begitu tinggi dalam pes tomato, sos tomato dan jus tomato.

Perunding Pemakanan di Institut Jantung Negara (IJN), Mary Easaw John, berkata cara terbaik bagi menambah jumlah likopena di dalam badan manusia adalah melalui pengambilan makanan berasaskan tomato dan produk masakan yang diperbuat daripada bahan itu.

Beliau berkata, berdasarkan kajian saintifik, likopena dapat membantu mencegah penyakit tertentu seperti kanser prostat, kanser paru-paru dan kanser perut. Likopena juga dapat membantu mengurangkan paras kolesterol LDL (kolesterol jahat) dan sekali gus mengawal tekanan darah supaya stabil, katanya pada ceramah kesihatan The Red Campaign di ibu negara, baru-baru ini. Kempen itu dianjurkan oleh syarikat makanan global, Heinz, yang mengeluarkan sos tomato, perasa dan pelbagai aneka sos.

Mary berkata, sumber terbaik untuk mendapatkan likopena ialah dari sos spagheti, jus tomato, tembikai, pes tomato, sup tomato, cili sos dan sos koktel. Beliau berkata, kira-kira 80 peratus likopena terkandung di dalam produk tomato dan buah tomato tetapi hakikatnya, tomato yang sudah dimasak mengandungi likopena yang lebih tinggi.

Ini kerana, katanya, proses memasak akan memecahkan dinding sel tomato yang sekali gus membenarkan tubuh manusia menyerap likopena. Bagaimanapun, beliau berkata, sebaik-baiknya pastikan anda tidak menggunakan minyak dan lemak yang berlebihan ketika memasak untuk memastikan keberkesanan penyerapan likopena.
Antara kelebihan dan kebaikan tomato ialah....

1. Baik Untuk Kencing Manis

Kandungan Karbohidrat dalam tomato sangat rendah maka ia baik untuk pesakit diabetes. Tomato dikatakan sangat berkesan dalam mengawal peratusan gula di dalam air kencing pesakit diabetes.

2. Baik Untuk Mata

Kiranya selama ini kita dengar lobak merah dan berry baik untuk mata, tomato juga baik untuk mata sebenarnya. Kerana kaya dengan vitamin A, tomato amat bermanfaat untuk kesihatan mata khasya rabun malam dan rabun jauh serta penyakit-penyakit mata lain akibat kekurangan vitamin. Daun tomato pula berguna untuk merawat saraf optik dan lemah mata. Ambil segenggam daun tomato yang baru dipetik. Bilas dan rendam selama 15 minit dalam air panas (tidak terlalu panas) di dalam bekas tertutup. Sejatkan. Air ini merupakan tonik untuk mata dan saraf optik. Hendaklah dimakan sesudu teh sebelum mengambil sajian utama 3 kali sehari.

3. Baik Untuk Obesiti

Tomato sangat berguna dalam rawatan obesiti. Makanlah satu atau dua biji tomato ranum pada awal pagi tanpa sarapan selama 2 bulan. Ini dianggap kaedah selamat untuk pengurangan berat badan. Pada waktu yang sama, ia membekalkan elemen-elemen makanan penting untuk mengekalkan kesihatan.

4. Baik Untuk Gangguan Usus dan Hati

Minum segelas penuh jus tomato segar. Campur dengan secubit garam dan lada sulah. Diminum pada awal pagi. Ia petua berkesan untuk mengurangkan mabuk wanita mengandung, merawat masalah berkaitan hempedu dan hati serta jaundis. Juga berkesan merawat masalah penghadaman, angin dalam usus dan sembelit.

5. Baik Untuk Gangguan Pernafasan

Sebelum tidur, telan tiga ulas bawang putih. Kemudian minum segelas penuh jus tomato segar dicamputkan madu dan secubit serbuk pelaga. Ini merupakan petua berkesan merawat TB dan jangkitan paru-paru. Ia meningkatkan pertahanan tubuh dan menghalang penolakan serta percampuran ubat-ubatan yang sering berlaku pada pesakit TB. Bagi pesakit lelah, rawatan ini melegakan rasa sesak di dalam bronkiol dan pengeluaran mukus (lendir) melampau serta kejang.

6. Baik Untuk Ibu yang Menyusu

Ibu yang menyusukan bayi digalakkan makan tomato. Memakan produk berasaskan tomato (atau tomato yang dimasak) boleh meningkatkan kandungan likopena di dalam susu ibu. Ini tentunya baik untuk kesihatan bayi.

Tip Memilih TOMATO...

Untuk yang paling berkhasiat, pilihlah tomato yang paling merah ranum.

Untuk yang lebih sedap pula, rendamkan beberapa biji tomato di dalam air. Yang tenggelam itu lebih sedap berbanding yang terapung. Ini kerana yang tenggelam itu mengandungi lebih banyak kandungan gula.

Apa lagi..... Jom Makan TOMATO....hehehe


Kenapa Tak Boleh Buat Panggilan Di Stesen Minyak

Kenapa Tak Boleh Buat Panggilan Di Stesen Minyak

Posted by harith
Pernahkah anda nampak simbol seperti ini setiap kali anda mengisi minyak di stesen minyak? Kalau ya, apa yang anda buat? Buat dono je?

Mungkin ada diantara kita yang memandang remeh simbol di atas, tetapi ujikaji di bawah ini menunjukkanbahawa dengan beberapa panggilan daripada handphone disekitar kawasan yang mempunyai minyakkebakaran boleh terjadi.. Boleh di cuba ujikaji ini jika masih ragu.

Alat yang diperlukan :

1 Kuali (pan), Sedikit kertas, 1 rol aluminium foil, 1 handphone

Bahan-bahan tadi di letakkan seperti gambar di bawah

Selepas itu gunakan handphone untuk membuat
panggilan seberapa banyak...

Setelah beberapa panggilan dibuat ini yang akan terjadi

Ini menunjukkan mengapa kita dilarang menggunakan handphone ketika
berada di stesen minyak..so selamat beramal!

Bawang, Teh Hijau dan Daun Zaitun mengurangkan lemak dan berat badan

Bawang, Teh Hijau dan Daun Zaitun mengurangkan lemak dan berat badan
Blog Minda Ahad

Seorang profesor perubatan bio telah mendapati bawang,teh hijau dan pati daun zaitun boleh melawan obesiti dan penyakit-penyakit yang berkaitan seperti penyakit jantung, kencing manis dan lemak dalam hati, walaupun melibatkan diet yang tinggi lemak dan karbohidrat.

Prof Lindsay Brown,dari University of Southern Queensland,menguji pelbagai makanan pada tikus yang diberi makan diet yang tidak sihat yang tinggi dari segi gula dan lemak.

Beliau mendapati makanan tertentu yang membantu menghalang pertumbuhan sel-sel radang dalam pad lemak haiwan, (terletak di dalam abdomen, yang mengambil lemak dari aliran darah dan menyimpannya), laporan Daily Telegraph.

Tikus yang diberi makan makanan seperti bawang, teh hijau, ekstrak daun zaitun, lobak ungu dan benih chia telah mengurangkan jumlah sel-sel lemak dan menurunkan berat badan menjelang akhir kajian, walaupun mengekalkan pemakanan yang tidak sihat secara keseluruhan.

Tikus itu juga didapati meningkatkan fungsi hati dan jantung yang lebih baik.

Brown berkata bahawa mesej utama kajian beliau adalah bahawa people should eat better rather than eat less‘.

Bawang dan pati daun zaitun mengandungi flavonoid yang dipanggil rutin ( juga dijumpai dalam epal, teh dan wain merah )yang Brown dapati mampu terbalikkan atau menghalang perubahan metabolik pada tikus yang diberi makan yang tinggi gula dan diet tinggi lemak.

Hasil kajian ini telah diterbitkan dalam Journal of Nutrition and the Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.

How To Cope With Stress Naturally

How To Cope With Stress Naturally

One this is for sure - stress is a fact of life. There will always be situations or people that provoke you and cause you to feel agitated. These things are not going to go away any time soon. However, you can learn ways to lessen their effects on your health and your stress levels. Diet - Watching what you eat is an important part of dealing with stress. Certain foods like cinnamon have been proven to lower blood sugar levels and can help in the fight against other diseases such as diabetes. Similarly, foods such as olive oil and nuts have high levels of monounsaturated fats, which help protect your heart. Eating these foods will leave you feeling safe in the knowledge that you are being good to your body, and will help lower stress levels.

Breathing - By breathing all the way down from your diaphragm rather your body will take in more oxygen, which has a calming effect on the body. Extra oxygen pumped to key areas of the brain and heart help to relax the body and alleviate stress.

Meditate - This ancient spiritual practice is a proven method of combating stress. You can start simply by shutting yourself away from the outside world for as little as 5 or 10 minutes a day. Clear your mind of worries and try to visualize your problems as tangible objects that have wings - and then watch them fly away!

Sleep - The body needs a full 8 hours of sleep every night to be healthy. As well as sorting out the everyday debris that floats around in your mind (some scientists believe that dreams are the bodies way of disposing of useless information), sleep will restore your muscles and organs to full strength, ready for the day ahead.

Although stress cannot be removed completely, these steps should help you to feel more relaxed with everyday life. Practice the breathing and meditation techniques on a daily basis, and remember to have fun with them!

Simple And Effective Ways To Happiness

Simple And Effective Ways To Happiness

I always believed happiness is a state of mind.

Of course, this isn’t always true. Sometimes life throws you a curveball when you least expect it, and you’re lucky just to dodge the bullet. But believe it or not, there are other times when your unhappiness is as easy to reboot as your computer.

By taking a few simple steps to change your state and start feeling happy (even when you really aren’t), it will be far easier to find peace, even during the most difficult times in your life.

Though elevating yourself to happy from down can require you to dig a little deep, the effort will lead you toward the rich rewards of a happier life.

Here are simple ways to stop feeling down in the mouth:

Work hard, play harder.
It’s a lot easier to massage your inner satisfaction when you feel as though you’re leaping hurdles and scaling the mountains of your life. Decide what you want, then set a goal and keep on racing until you finish it. A life of accomplishments aimed at growth rather than gain is often a life that is filled with joy.

Your body needs at least a half hour, three to five times a week. It’s your job to make sure you get it. Working out releases endorphins that will change your body and state of mind, meaning that exercise won’t only help you get a body like batman, it will also help you to feel instantly happier.

Learn something new
Your mind deserves a good workout, every bit as much as your body. Take the time to learn something new and you’ll find your self-confidence soaring. You will foster new ways of thinking, develop positive habits, and give yourself the growth you need to be happy inside and out.

Grow your soul.
You’re never too old for a little spiritual maturation. It doesn’t matter what you believe, by deepening your spiritual connection you will promote the inner solace that can give you sanctuary from the world around you.

Express yourself.
When you articulate your feelings, you broaden your reach to the world. Whether you are communicating through writing, art, speech or other forms of communication. Expressing yourself openly will keep negatives emotion from festering. Stale emotions are a breeding ground for anger and resentment. Letting it out is like pushing the 'reset' button.

Show gratitude.
No matter how busy your schedule might be, it is always worth taking time to acknowledge the best things in your life, especially on those days when you feel as though nothing is as it should be. Make a list of things you feel especially grateful for (it doesn’t have to be long). Reflect on why those things are beneficial to your life, and how you can show your appreciation. I find it helps to actually thank people- verbally or I writing. A thank you note forces you to focus on something positive, if only for a few minutes, so long as it is genuine.

Want To Look & Feel 20 Years Younger?

Want To Look & Feel 20 Years Younger?

Science-based anti-ageing strategies can help you turn back the clock by up to two decades—without surgery, reports a new book, 20 Years Younger, by fitness guru Bob Greene, Oprah Winfrey’s personal trainer, and a team of experts.

The coauthors are Beverly Hills dermatologist Harold Lancer, Tufts University nutritionist Diane McKay, Ph.D. and Ronald Kotler, MD, medical director of Pennsylvania Hospital Sleep Disorders Center.

The book’s rejuvenating program is based on four “pillars” designed to help readers shed stress, decrease or erase wrinkles, boost mental sharpness, and rev up energy. According to the authors, incorporating these pillars—the right nutrition, exercise, skin care and adequate sleep—in your life may slow down the effects of aging, so you look and feel younger than your true age. Here’s a look at six anti-aging lessons that I learned from the program:

1. Select superfoods.
Certain nutrient-dense foods can reduce the risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and other chronic diseases. Among those that Greene and his team recommend are blueberries, almonds, sweet potatoes, and olive oil. They also advise covering half your plate with brightly colored fruits and vegetables, which are packed with antioxidants and micronutrients, a strategy that’s helped me shed 22 pounds since these foods are also filling. Recent studies find that berries lower the threat of developing high blood pressure, Parkinson’s disease and dementia, while nuts and olive oil both help ward off heart disease, the leading killer of Americans.

2. Limit yourself to 1,700 calories a day.
Eating less is one of the best ways to extend life, since all too many of us dig our graves with a knife and fork: Up to half of heart disease cases, one-third of cancer cases, and up to 90 percent of type 2 diabetes cases are linked to excess weight. Conversely, populations with a low-calorie diet have the world’s highest rates of centenarians. In Okinawa, Japan, for example, so many people live past 100 that there’s an ongoing study of their healthy habits, which include a cultural tradition called “hara hachi bu” (only eating until they feel 80 percent full).

3. Walk uphill.
According to Greene, an exercise physiologist, fitness should literally be an uphill battle, since using a flat treadmill is similar to walking downhill. You don’t get enough of a workout to rev up your metabolism the rest of the day, a key goal of a healthy workout. (The book advises at least 200 minutes of cardio per week, plus weight lifting to strengthen the core.) My trainer also recommends walking sideways on a slanted treadmill—try it and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you start to feel the burn!

4. Use sunscreen daily.Having lost my father to melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer, I commend Greene for advocating the use of sunscreen for both prevention of skin cancer and premature wrinkles brought on by baking in the sun’s rays. The program includes a three-step facial rejuvenating plan: exfoliating with a dime-sized dab of skin polish, cleansing with an upward circular motion, and using an antioxidant-rich nourisher. Oprah claims that after following this routine for a few weeks, she noticed visible improvement.

5. Slim down by sleeping more.
Up to 70 million Americans don’t get the seven to nine hours of sleep a night necessary for optimal health. Not only does that raise risk for heart attacks and diabetes, but it can also make us fat. Getting more rest is literally a dream diet, according to Dr. Kotler, because as we sleep, our bodies produce an appetite-suppressing chemical called leptin, making it easier to avoid overeating during the day.

6. Dim the lights at night.
One bad habit that robs us of rest—and I admit that I’m a chronic offender—is using a computer (or watching TV) late a night, because the bright light from the screen tricks the brain into being wakeful instead of slowing down for shut-eye at bedtime. The sleep secret he advises may sound drastic: Get rid of all lights in the bedroom, except for a dim safety light. However, given the life-extending benefits of adequate sleep, it may be worth a try, much as my night owl nature resists this commonsense solutio