Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Simple And Effective Ways To Happiness

Simple And Effective Ways To Happiness

I always believed happiness is a state of mind.

Of course, this isn’t always true. Sometimes life throws you a curveball when you least expect it, and you’re lucky just to dodge the bullet. But believe it or not, there are other times when your unhappiness is as easy to reboot as your computer.

By taking a few simple steps to change your state and start feeling happy (even when you really aren’t), it will be far easier to find peace, even during the most difficult times in your life.

Though elevating yourself to happy from down can require you to dig a little deep, the effort will lead you toward the rich rewards of a happier life.

Here are simple ways to stop feeling down in the mouth:

Work hard, play harder.
It’s a lot easier to massage your inner satisfaction when you feel as though you’re leaping hurdles and scaling the mountains of your life. Decide what you want, then set a goal and keep on racing until you finish it. A life of accomplishments aimed at growth rather than gain is often a life that is filled with joy.

Your body needs at least a half hour, three to five times a week. It’s your job to make sure you get it. Working out releases endorphins that will change your body and state of mind, meaning that exercise won’t only help you get a body like batman, it will also help you to feel instantly happier.

Learn something new
Your mind deserves a good workout, every bit as much as your body. Take the time to learn something new and you’ll find your self-confidence soaring. You will foster new ways of thinking, develop positive habits, and give yourself the growth you need to be happy inside and out.

Grow your soul.
You’re never too old for a little spiritual maturation. It doesn’t matter what you believe, by deepening your spiritual connection you will promote the inner solace that can give you sanctuary from the world around you.

Express yourself.
When you articulate your feelings, you broaden your reach to the world. Whether you are communicating through writing, art, speech or other forms of communication. Expressing yourself openly will keep negatives emotion from festering. Stale emotions are a breeding ground for anger and resentment. Letting it out is like pushing the 'reset' button.

Show gratitude.
No matter how busy your schedule might be, it is always worth taking time to acknowledge the best things in your life, especially on those days when you feel as though nothing is as it should be. Make a list of things you feel especially grateful for (it doesn’t have to be long). Reflect on why those things are beneficial to your life, and how you can show your appreciation. I find it helps to actually thank people- verbally or I writing. A thank you note forces you to focus on something positive, if only for a few minutes, so long as it is genuine.

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